
Showing posts from April, 2022

7 Tips for Ordering Healthy Food Delivery or Takeout

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the number of people ordering takeout or food delivery seems been higher than ever before. With more people reluctant to leave the house, takeout or delivery have felt like safer options. For many, it’s also been something to look forward to after a long week. While we might not be able to go out and dine at our favorite restaurants, we can still look forward to ordering a special meal. Plus, many of us want to do what we can to support small businesses in our community. While that’s all commendable, what has it meant for sticking to a healthy eating plan? Fortunately, we believe that you can find ways to order takeout or delivery and still stick to your plans to lose weight. In order to help you make smarter choices, we’ve rounded up some tips for choosing healthy food options for takeout or delivery. Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip Read More 1. Remember, it starts with your order. At Nutrisystem , we’ve a...

5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night

It’s that time of the night when your eyes are glazing over, you’re yawning uncontrollably and your favorite TV show has started to lose its appeal. You’re exhausted and it’s clear that your body is desperate for a little shut-eye. You crawl under the sheets and close your eyes, just to find yourself waiting for sleep that never comes. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or you wake up throughout the night, you could be suffering from insomnia. According to the American Sleep Association, there are two types of insomnia. Primary, formally known as idiopathic insomnia, refers to an inability to fall asleep that is not caused by a medical condition, psychiatric issue or medication. Secondary insomnia is a consequence of a medical condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic pain. No matter what type of dozing dilemma you find yourself facing, you need help fast. According to Healthline, research shows that people who do not get enough sleep have a...

4 Cheesy Quesadilla Recipes That Go Big on Flavor, Not on Guilt

Think of quesadillas as a Mexican grilled cheese sandwich, but kicked up more than a notch by delicious, savory fillings. They’re not the healthiest choice when you’re dining out. Those globs of glorious melted cheese are full fat and the fillings may be glistening from the oil they’re sautéed in. But if you make your own quesadillas, you can keep the delicious taste while you jettison most of the fat calories. Best of all, the whole quesadilla concept—tortilla, cheese, filling—is so versatile, you can have them morning, noon or night. Here are our favorite healthy quesadillas that make great Flex meals : 1. Breakfast Quesadilla with Broccoli and Cheddar > This savory breakfast is a great way to sneak in more than one serving of veggies in a day—something you can rarely do at breakfast time. It uses one low carb wheat tortilla into which you place a half cup of cooked broccoli florets (from frozen), one cup of chopped spinach steamed in water until it wilts, two scrambled eg...

How to Build the Best Power Bowl Ever

When our meals are balanced, we’re healthier. By including enough fruits and vegetables on our plate, we reduce our risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When we fill up our bowl with adequate lean protein, we’re able to power through the day and are less likely to snack on high calorie foods later on. By consuming enough good fats, we can decrease our risk of cardiovascular problems and build healthy cell membranes and nerves, says Harvard Health. According to Healthline, selecting enough good carbs that are high in fiber can support a healthy gut and decrease cholesterol levels. Balanced nutrition can even help with our mental well-being, says ScienceDaily. The problem is that most Americans don’t get everything they need on their plate. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average person only eats about one and half cups of vegetables per day, compared to the two t...

Simple Everyday Exercises at Home

The benefits of regular exercise are no secret: Working up a sweat can reduce your risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes and even early death. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone strive for 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, plus two muscle-strengthening sessions. But starting an exercise regimen can be daunting! There are so many exercises, classes and gym types to choose from, and each one can be intimidating. Plus, 150 minutes and two other workouts can seem like a lot of time. Getting moving doesn’t need to be complicated, daunting or intimidating. Keep it simple and get started with this schedule: It’s two exercises to do almost every day of the week, plus some walking. You’ll build strength, endurance, support your weight loss goals, and reduce your risks of chronic disease. Just be sure to speak with your doctor before trying any new exercise routine to ensure it is safe for you. How to Do These Simple Worko...