12 Healthy Winter Squash Recipes to Squash Your Hunger
It’s winter so it must be winter squash season! The produce section of your supermarket is stacked with acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. These low-calorie but nutrient-dense vegetables (a misnomer because, like tomatoes, they’re actually fruit) can fill you up while delivering abundant quantities of fiber, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and plant chemicals that may help you fight diabetes, heart disease and cancer, says Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health . While summer squash is lightly flavored and watery, winter squash has a rich nutty flavor and, in the case of butternut and acorn squash, a creamy texture that’s oh-so-satisfying. If you’re following a low-carb diet, you might be wondering if winter squash is approved. It can be, it just depends on how you prepare the squash! Luckily, we’ve included plenty of low-carb options in this round up. Here are 12 recipes that are easy to make and so flavorful, you’ll be making winter squash even beyond the winter season. Ma...