
Showing posts from February, 2020

10 Ways to Give Your Morning Oatmeal a Makeover

What if there was a magic meal that could help make your waist smaller, cholesterol lower and heart healthier? Enter oats. Oatmeal contains loads of a special fiber called beta-glucan. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consuming just one and a half cups of oats containing this fiber daily can help lower your cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. Oatmeal is nutrient-dense, too. It’s a great source of manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate and other B vitamins. It’s also full of antioxidants, which is probably why the American Heart Association recommends oatmeal as a heart-healthy meal. Combining oats with vitamin C only helps increase these cardiovascular benefits. Oats: So nutritious. So filling. So delicious. And it doesn’t stop there. Oatmeal may boost your immune response, control blood sugar spikes, and help control your weight. Oats contain more protein and fat than most other grains. Plus, they’re gluten-free, making them a perfect choice for...

Dining Out and Weight Loss: Lunch Edition

Your weight loss results are often a direct reflection of your lunchtime habits. Whether you enjoy grabbing brunch with friends or taking a solo lunch break at the local cafĂ© for some valuable “me time,” it can be hard to make healthy choices while dining out. You might be worried about how you can stick to a healthy eating plan without giving up one of life’s little pleasures. Will you suddenly be confined to dining at home or the office if you want to shed some pounds? Fortunately, the answer is no. It is possible to dine out and still lose weight—assuming you make some smart choices. In fact, let’s start with the fact that you absolutely should be eating lunch. Skipping meals, including lunch, can cause your metabolism to slow down and make it more difficult to lose weight. A study, published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry , found that skipping meals increases belly fat. Naturally, it’s also going to make you hungrier come dinnertime and more likely to overindulge. ...

Power in Protein: The Major Health Benefits of Chicken

One of America’s favorite foods is also one of the most healthful. The average person eats just under two pounds of chicken a week, or nearly 94 pounds a year, according to the National Chicken Council. Chicken is an especially smart choice when you’re trying to lose extra pounds because it’s rich in protein yet low in calories and unhealthy fats. It’s also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that help you stay strong and energetic. Best of all, you can enjoy the health benefits of chicken in so many delicious and satisfying ways as you make progress towards your weight loss goal. 12 Easy Chicken Recipes You Need to Try Read More Here’s seven reasons why chicken is the perfect protein for your healthy diet: 1. Potent Protein According to Cleveland Clinic, there are nine essential amino acids in “complete” protein. They explain that the body uses protein to “form muscle, transport nutrients, and build and repair tissue.” Research, published in the New England Journal ...

How to Build the Best. Salad. Ever.

It’s easy to fall into a salad rut if your bowl of greens falls flat in the flavor department or you find yourself feeling famished within an hour of eating it. To get the most out of your salad , step it up with nutrient-rich greens, lean protein and a vibrant array of vegetables, dried fruits, seeds and nuts. Keep it healthy, colorful, fun and satisfying. Start with a Green Base The first step in building a superstar salad is to begin with a nutrient-rich and flavorful foundation in the form of dark leafy greens. They are low in calories plus they pack a nutritional punch of vitamins A and C, fiber, calcium and iron. Give iceberg-type lettuces the cold shoulder since they don’t dish out as many nutrients. Particularly healthy and tasty greens to consider? Spinach, kale, watercress and arugula. 7 Superfoods That Should Always Be in Your Cart Read More Add a Protein Boost Keep your energy strong all day long by adding a lean protein atop of your salad. Choose from flavorful ...

6 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

You wake up tired in the morning, and find yourself fading even more by the afternoon. You wonder what it would take for you to have more energy. Boost your energy with these six simple tips: 1. Walk for 10 Minutes That’s all it takes to put a little more pep in your step: Scientists at California State University found a brisk 10-minute walk ups your energy levels and sustains it for two hours. And if you feel inspired, other research shows upping your walk to 20 minutes a few days a week can decrease fatigue by up to 65 percent. 10 Reasons to Go For a Walk Today Read More 2. Step Outside Just being in nature makes people feel more alive, finds a series of studies published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. 3. Skip the Vending Machine Eating potato chips, pretzels, and any other of those highly-processed snack food options causes blood sugar to spike and then crash. When blood sugar drops, energy levels fall as well—plus, you’ll be hungry again in no time. A bet...