Motivation Monday: The Real Connection Between Weight Loss and Willpower
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, then you might have noticed a common struggle that tends to come up again and again: the concept of willpower. Or, more specifically, the lack thereof it. People who are trying to lose weight frequently say that they struggle with the willpower to overcome temptations. So often, this makes people feel frustrated, weak and even defeated. So much of this comes from what we’ve been told or taught about dieting in the past. That’s the idea that “dieting” is all about giving foods up. Frankly, that model sets people up for failure from the start. Being told that certain foods are off limits seems to make most people crave them more. And it’s nearly impossible to eliminate entire sets of food groups from your diet, as so many eating plans do. But when people begin one of these plans, and they ultimately fail, it often sets them further back—sometimes to the point of just giving up entirely. We’re here to say that it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s...